Monday, April 16, 2007
Will and Nerida are Moving!
Sorry to cause any inconvenience but Nerida and I are moving our home in Cyber-space to here. It just makes it easier for everyone to find us and it reduces any confusion that might have arised from the name of the old site. Hope you drop in from time to time.
Annual leave wrap up
Well back on deck after taking the last of my annual leave for 2006 and I guess you don't really appreciate time off until you are in the midst of it. Highlights were the chance to catch up with my sister Mary and her son Isaac before they headed back to the U S of A. We miss you.
Nerida and I also had a great time away for three restful days on the beautiful Gold Coast while my Mum and Dad babysat the kids.
I also went and watched 300 (by myself) and I thought it was great. I definately wouldn't recommend anyone underage going as it is very violent etc but the storyline is powerful and has real depth in speaking to our generation about values, discipline and courage to stand firm till the end. Hmmm Jesus had a bit to say about those very issues to His disciples in Matthew 24:9-14.
Anyway I just so happened to trip over this interesting article regarding the movie 300 by the Sydney Anglicans - check it out here.
Anyway all in all it was a great time to catch up with family. Gotta do it more often. End Post.
Nerida and I also had a great time away for three restful days on the beautiful Gold Coast while my Mum and Dad babysat the kids.
I also went and watched 300 (by myself) and I thought it was great. I definately wouldn't recommend anyone underage going as it is very violent etc but the storyline is powerful and has real depth in speaking to our generation about values, discipline and courage to stand firm till the end. Hmmm Jesus had a bit to say about those very issues to His disciples in Matthew 24:9-14.
Anyway I just so happened to trip over this interesting article regarding the movie 300 by the Sydney Anglicans - check it out here.
Anyway all in all it was a great time to catch up with family. Gotta do it more often. End Post.
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Newlife's Easter Saturday Community Outreach Wrap Up
Well if Friday was good this morning was even better. It was great yesterday to come together as Christians to celebrate together our unity in the Lord Jesus BUT it was fantastic to see the hand of God at work today as the people of Newlife went OUT and shared the good news with our community in a words and kind deeds.
Thanks to everyone who made the effort to serve the people of our community this morning. I know God approves.
In Luke 15 Jesus repeatedly tells his disciples that "I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent."
Jesus' heart broke for the lost.
When we grow in our faith it is only natural that the Spirit of Jesus, the Holy Spirit will impress on our hearts the need to share the good news with the lost and disconnected in our community. Thanks to you all for being serious about sharing your faith with a world lost without Jesus.
I now commit to prayer for tomorrow.
Will you pray too? Better yet- pray AND bring a friend.
Thanks to everyone who made the effort to serve the people of our community this morning. I know God approves.
In Luke 15 Jesus repeatedly tells his disciples that "I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent."
Jesus' heart broke for the lost.
When we grow in our faith it is only natural that the Spirit of Jesus, the Holy Spirit will impress on our hearts the need to share the good news with the lost and disconnected in our community. Thanks to you all for being serious about sharing your faith with a world lost without Jesus.
I now commit to prayer for tomorrow.
Will you pray too? Better yet- pray AND bring a friend.
Friday, April 06, 2007
Combined service @ USQ Wrap Up
Well I reckon it's an understatement to say that the Easter Friday Service at the USQ went well.
It was flippin awesome!
God certainly showed His sovereign hand in it all as He spoke a concistent Christ Centred Message through the songs (yay Newlife Music team), the prayers, the sermon... everything. It was a great testimony to His goodness to us and the true unity that comes through faith in Jesus Christ.
It was flippin awesome!
God certainly showed His sovereign hand in it all as He spoke a concistent Christ Centred Message through the songs (yay Newlife Music team), the prayers, the sermon... everything. It was a great testimony to His goodness to us and the true unity that comes through faith in Jesus Christ.
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Let's keep Praying for Easter

Jesus teaches us how to pray in Luke 11.
He wants us to pray specifically and continually, never giving up.
He also assures us that God wants to pour out His Holy Spirit on us so we can live lives of love and holiness. Lives that are empowered to 'Go' and share the good news of Jesus' death and resurrection with others.
PLEASE PRAY for EVERYTHING that's going on over the Easter Weekend. We've been praying but let us not get weary doing good, even more so as we know the day of His return is one day nearer than it was when we went to bed last night.
Pray and Invite Someone... trust that God wants to use you.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Newlife in the NEWS

Here's a couple of links to the online edition of the Springfield News promoting our Easter Events.
Click here for the awesome front page!
Click here for the wrap up on page 4.
WOW God is certainly at work in everything, and His word is getting out, it can't be stopped. Why not take the opportunity and time to connect with your neighbors and invite them to one of our Easter Events.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Newlife Easter Events 2007

Hey Easter is here. Or nearly here. Anticipation levels are rising and we're praying that God will use us, all of us at Newlife to share His love, His message of forgiveness and hope with our community this Easter.
Good Friday - Combined Service 9am University of Southern QLD, Main Auditorium
Easter Saturday - Easter Eggstravaganza at Spring Lakes District Park. Beginning with a pancake breakfast at 8am, followed by Easter Egg Hunts from 8.30am, it will be a great day for the Newlife Family as we show the Love of God to our community in a simple way... by serving them and pointing to Jesus.
Easter Sunday - Sunday Service 9am at the University of Southern QLD, level 3 main auditorium.
Don't just come, bring a friend!
easter video Ridge Stone
Check out this clip. It's the crew from Ridge Stone Church having some fun promoting their Easter Services.
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Newlife Beach Camp 2007

Well I'm sitting back home burnt, tired, red eyed and yet extremely satisfied with the way that our Beach Camp went this past weekend. Overall the weekend was a great success, apart from minor mishaps like the rec centre omitting to tell us that there was NO cabin 11 in reality but there was one on their official camp sheet (it was like an episode of the X files)??? Nerida and I have got to say that this camp was right up there with the best camps we've ever been on. Don't know if that's got to do with the relaxed laid back approach to the timetable or the people who attended or both but everyone who went had a good time and we all learnt stuff about following God and we all were encouraged and challenged by Pastor Bob Burnett's talks from the gospels. Props go out to a heap of people who made big efforts to be there and live the gospel with others in community. As my youth pastor told me many years ago camps have a tendancy of knocking the rouch edges off people in a way that Sunday church just can't.
Jane and Kirsty, I'm sorry you had to go home early. Thanks also to the Faith, Jess, Steve, Ian, John Shield, Sam, Jack, Sonya and Beth for making the camp go so well. I know I've missed out important people but before I go I wanna give a BIG shout out to the 'Par Boys' (not the Bra Boys... but close) for coming along, I trust the surf of the Sunny Coast was up to your standard... ;)
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